
Viaggio in Italia Around the World supports the projects of B-FREE, the amateur sports and social promotion association that Danilo Ragona and Luca Paiardi founded in 2018 to spread the values of inclusion and sport for all with passion and commitment, accessibility and mobility in favor of people with disabilities.

 If you wish to make a donation to support our projects write to:

A pram in a hut, a door to the world - Collection concluded.

Custom Regeneration SRL and the NGO World Firends have developed the project "A wheelchair in the hut, a door to the world" with the aim of supporting people with disabilities in the slums of Nairobi, donating wheelchairs and other regenerated aids.

A shared enterprise in which everyone can participate with a contribution:


Improving the accessibility of a school in Ladakh - Collection completed

In favor of our friend Mario Stefani's association. Danilo and Luca choose to take a trip to India, also a great opportunity to support the project "TRA CIELO E TERRA" in support of the public school of Lamayuru Ladakh in India.


Pizza makers for a day - Collection completed.

Luca Paiardi and Danilo Ragona together with the guys from improvised pizza makers for a day at the Focaccerie Gran Torino to support #ComeACasa, a fundraiser to make CasaOz spaces even more accessible and inclusive.


#COMEACASA: a new inclusive space for the children of CasaOz - Collection completed.

La disabilità non è un ostacolo, è solo un altro punto di vista.
Una campagna di crowdfunding per rendere gli spazi di davvero per tutti!


A contribution to spinal cord injury research - Collection completed.

Viaggio Italia 2017 supports research with a small donation to the Vertical Foundation which raises funds for scientific research aimed at identifying a cure for paralysis caused by spinal trauma. Vertical, in fact, is the only organization in Italy that provides funds for scientific research on paralysis. People with spinal cord injury and their families have the right to a good quality of life and full social inclusion. The Vertical Foundation's primary purpose is to advance scientific research towards the treatment of paralysis caused by trauma to the spinal cord.

Vertical foundation


A van for Danilo Neri - Collection completed.

During Viaggio Italia 2016 we raised more than 13,000 euros which allowed us to purchase a van with platform and donate it to Danilo Neri, to improve his mobility and daily life with his family and all his friends.